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What is the IF/THEN® Collection?

Images that illustrate professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields have traditionally underrepresented women and gender minorities, which can make it challenging for science centers and museums to develop compelling visual content that allows girls to see themselves engaging in science. The IF/THEN® Collection includes photos, videos, and other media featuring women in STEM fields which are free to view and use for many non-commercial purposes.

Produced in partnership with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and the IF/THEN® Initiative, this free asset library is the largest resource of its kind dedicated to increasing access to images reflecting the diversity of women and gender minorities in STEM.

How to use the Collection

ASTC-member science centers or museums based in the United States can download and use assets for any non-commercial use including in exhibits, signage, digital and print materials, camps, and more. (Due to licensing restrictions and other legal requirements, downloading of assets is not currently available outside of the United States.) 

Read the Collection FAQ for more details about navigating the library.

Woman and young girl viewing a museum exhibit.
Madison and Natalie, Grade 5, visit the Connecticut Science Center and explore new STEM career spotlights near the Butterfly Encounter, September 2020. Photo courtesy Connecticut Science Center

Ready to get started?

Watch the recording of our informational webinar to learn how to access and use assets in the Collection.

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